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Innovation prototyping is the process of creating a prototype of an innovative product or service to test its feasibility and usability. A prototype can be as simple as a rough sketch on paper, or as complex as a working model. The goal is to determine if it is worth investing further resources into developing it.

Benefits of Innovation Prototyping

There are many benefits to innovation prototyping. It allows entrepreneurs to test their ideas quickly and cheaply, without having to invest a lot of time and money into developing a product or service that may not work. Prototyping also allows entrepreneurs to get feedback from potential customers, which can be invaluable in refining an idea. Finally, prototyping can help entrepreneurs validate their business model and assess the market potential of their product or service.

Testing The Idea.

Prototyping allows innovators to test their ideas quickly and cheaply, without having to invest a lot of time and money into developing a product or service that may not work. Prototypes are created for many reasons, but they all have one thing in common: They’re quick and cheap to produce. That makes them the perfect way to test an idea without taking too much risk. So if you’re thinking about starting a business, prototyping is a great way to test your ideas before you invest too much time or money.

Speed Up Feedback.

It allows entrepreneurs to get feedback from potential customers or users by getting that first prototype in the hands of customers quickly. Future prototypes are then iterated quickly based on customer feedback. By the time you’ve created a final product, you’ll know whether it’s something people will want to buy.

Assess Market Opportunity.

It can help entrepreneurs validate their business model and assess the market potential of their product or service. By creating a prototype, entrepreneurs can test whether there is actually a demand for their product or service and how it might function in the real world. This information then allows the innovator to project market size and therefore the potential for the innovation.

Save Money.

Innovation prototyping can save money by reducing the amount of time and materials used to create a final product. Innovation prototypes are created with low-resolution graphics, unfinished interfaces, or other incomplete parts of the final product. This allows designers and developers to test out their ideas on a smaller scale before committing too much time or resources to them.

Improve Success.

Innovation prototyping helps businesses improve their chances for success by providing a structured way to generate and test new ideas. It also helps businesses avoid the pitfalls of traditional innovation processes, such as groupthink and the “not invented here” syndrome. By involving a broad range of people in the process, businesses can get input from many different sources and create better solutions. And by testing prototypes in a simulated environment, businesses can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that their solutions are feasible and meet customer nee

Focus on The Best Idea.

Innovation prototyping is a powerful tool that can help innovators focus on the best idea and make it a reality. It is a process that helps you test an idea and find the best way to execute it. This process can be used to focus on the best features of an idea, or to find new ways to improve an existing idea. Innovation prototyping is an essential part of the innovation process and can help you bring your ideas to life.

Innovation Process Prototyping Step

Prototyping is a key step in the innovation process, as it allows you to test the feasibility and usability of your product or service. It can help you determine whether your idea is viable and identify any potential problems before you invest in developing a full-fledged product.

We typically do prototyping in the early stages of the innovation process before we have developed a full-fledged product. This allows you to test your idea and make sure it is feasible before investing further resources into developing it.

You can do prototyping in multiple stages of the innovation process including later stages, to help improve and finalize the product.

Examples of Prototyping

Here are some examples of projects where Techtrend prototyped the innovation before we built it.

Types of Innovation Prototypes

There are different types of prototypes, depending on your needs. A low-fidelity prototype might be a simple sketch on paper, while a high-fidelity prototype might be a working model with all the bells and whistles.

What type of prototype you need depends on the specifics of your product or service. If you’re still in the early stages of development and you’re not sure what the final product will look like, it might be a good idea to create a low-fidelity prototype. This will help you test your idea without spending too much time or money on development.

If you have a more developed idea and you know what the final product will look like, create a high-fidelity prototype. This type of prototype will be closer to the finished product and will allow you to test how well it works in practice.

The different prototypes we use include:

Paper Prototypes

A paper prototype is a simple and inexpensive way to test out an idea. It is made of paper and can be quickly created using a computer, printer, and some basic drawing tools. Paper prototypes are ideal for testing out new products or services. They are quick and easy to create, and you can test them with real users very quickly. This allows you to get feedback from users early in the design process, and make changes to the product or service before it goes to market.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes

A low-fidelity prototype is a more detailed and accurate representation of the final product. It is often created using a software program such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Low-fidelity prototypes are ideal for testing the overall usability of a product. They allow you to see how users interact with the product and identify any potential problems.

High-Fidelity Prototypes

A high-fidelity prototype is a more detailed and accurate representation of the final product. It often includes working features, can be used to effectively test the usability of the product, and can be used to verify that the product meets the user’s needs. This type of prototype is often created in the later stages of product development after most of the design work has been completed. It is a more accurate representation of the final product and can test the usability of the product.

Design Thinking Role in Prototyping

As innovators, we use design thinking to iterate through cycles of analysis, synthesis, and creation. We apply it to a wide range of projects including graphic design, architecture, product development, filmmaking, software development, and service/process design.

Rapid prototyping is a key part of the design thinking process. A prototype can be anything from a rough sketch to a fully functioning model. The purpose of a prototype is to test out an idea and see if it works. By testing out an idea, designers can gather feedback from stakeholders and users which can help them to improve the design.

Prototyping: Innovative Solutions To Testing Your Ideas

Designers, entrepreneurs, and innovators should prototype their ideas to test their feasibility and usability. Prototyping is an essential part of the design thinking process, and it can help you to improve your product or service before it goes to market. There are different types of prototypes, depending on your needs. A low-fidelity prototype might be a simple sketch on paper, while a high-fidelity prototype is a more accurate representation of the final product. You can also create different types of prototypes depending on your level of development and what you want to test.

Techtrend offers a wide range of prototyping tools and services that can help you to bring your ideas to life. We can help you to create a prototype that is accurate and realistic, and we can also help you to test it for feasibility and usability.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you with prototyping your innovation, contact us at We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and see how we can help.